第21届国际生物化学与分子生物学会联盟会员大会将于2009年8月2-7日在中国上海举行。为此,《IUBMB Life》将出专刊纪念(应该是2009年8月刊),以反映中国在生物化学与分子生物学领域的进展和成就。
《IUBMB Life》是国际生物化学与分子生物学会联盟的旗舰学术月刊,发表生物化学与分子生物学、细胞生物学、和分子医学等领域较短的综述和研究论文。
《IUBMB Life》专刊特邀编委
中科院生物物理研究所 王志珍院士
清华大学 王志新院士
Soliciting articles for a special issue of IUBMB Life dedicated to the 21st IUBMB Congress to be held in Shanghai, China (Aug. 2-7, 2009)
A special issue of IUBMB Life (likely to be August issue of 2009) will be published in dedication to the 21st IUBMB Congress to be held in Shanghai, China (Aug. 2-7, 2009) and reflection of progresses and achievements of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in China.
IUBMB Life is the flagship journal of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and is devoted to the rapid publication of the most novel and significant short articles, reviews, and papers in the broadly defined fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and molecular medicine.
We thus invite you to submit manuscripts for this special issue. Articles in the types of short Reviews and research articles, historical summary of the lives and works of well-known Chinese scientists, institutions, organizations and etc. are all highly welcome.
Please send the PDF files of your manuscripts to Professor Zengyi Chang (changzy@pku.edu.cn) before the end of January, 2009, after which the manuscripts will be subject to a peer review process before officially accepted for publication in this special issue.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Zengyi Chang at 010-6275-8822.
Guest Editors of the special issue of IUBMB Life dedicated to the 21st IUBMB Congress
Prof. Zengyi Chang,
Prof. Zhizhen (Chihchen) Wang,
Prof. Zhixin Wang,