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PIN-ning down the function of D6PK protein kinases in auxin transport regulation

日期: 2018-03-30
题目:PIN-ning down the function of D6PK protein kinases in auxin transport regulation
讲座人:Prof. Dr. Claus Schwechheimer
Chair for Plant Systems Biology
Technical University of Munich
Freising, Germany
The biosynthesis and proper distribution of the phytohormone auxin within the plant influences almost every aspect of plant growth and development. To the largest extent, differences in the morphology between plants are the results of differential auxin distribution and auxin actions at the level of individual plants cells. Whereas auxin transport from cell to cell and within a plant had for a long time been inferred solely based on the polar distribution of PIN auxin exporters, we have recently shown that PINs require activation by protein kinases, such as the D6 PROTEIN KINASE, to become active auxin transporters. I will describe the biochemistry of D6PK and mechanisms that are required for targeting D6PK to the plasma membrane and the PINs. I will also present data that challenge the current view of how PIN polarity is controlled by phosphorylation. Finally, I will highlight some other regulatory functions of D6PK that are independent of PIN-dependent auxin transport control.
This work is funded through grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
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